Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plantonoid Fact #1

Plantonoid.. what is Plantonoid ?
Plantonoid is a project that create a human life form from combining plant's DNA and human DNA itself. Each Plantonoid can be obtained by ordering the Plantonoid's seed from the certain company.
After planting the seed that you have ordered into the special pot(vase) which provided by the company in several days, the Plantonoid will be born from the fruit of plant that you have planted earlier.
Plantonoid was designed to loyal to it's master. Therefore, not every people can order/buy a Plantonoid. Only a chosen people or a people that can surpass the exam can have the Plantonoid.
Project Plantonoid was purposed to create human-source with many possible function which will based on the client's demand.


  1. hmm..yg gw penasaran....pas mereka lahir dari "biji" nya..mereka ud dlm bentuk apa?bayi?ato lgsg gede gt?..dan life expectation mereka seberapa lama.?

    btw,ini K-Nashi..^^

  2. tergantung pesanan klient, klo yang pesen langsung gede, mereka di kasih memory basic seperlunya, seperti norma2 dan aturan2

    eniwe, gmn caranya bales comment sih?? sial, gw kok kampungan bgt gini sih!!!

  3. @minami
    sebenernya sih ngga ada cara khusus gt mbak,cm mungkin sebelum ngebales cb kasih kayak:"@K-Nashi...etc2"

    supaya org2 tau kl lo ngebales message gw..soalnya kl nge blog tuh ngga kyk DA yg ada opsi reply nya,he he

    yah setau gw gt..cb cari2 aj lg pelan2,kali aj ada cara laen....^^
