Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Plantonoid Fact #2

Plantonoid is an organism that had few of life source elements. First, it's food, like human foods. and second is Sun Energy. Like the usual plant, the plantonoids couldn't survive without Sun Energy. That's why each plantonoids had provided a device to absurd and store sun energy (in TOMA's case is her headband) as a supply when they were at a sun blocked place or dark place.
Without those device, they would collapse after few hours when night or at dark place and would wake up after morning or got enough energy source.
The other Energy source is Oxygen. like an organism in common.


  1. hmmm,ngeliat desain2 Plantonoid yg sebelomnya jd ag penasaran gw..lo ada rencana bikin yg versi kaktus ngga?kyknya bs jd lucu tuh..XD

  2. @No

    kaktuusss... mm, sebenernya aku ga mau banyak2 sih, ntar jadi ga kebagian cerita, tapi semua member circle ku emang buat satu chara sih, ga tau mau make taneman apa^^
